Forum rules: Do not post bugs or feature requests here! Report bugs to our Issue Tracker and suggestions to Suggest a Feature.

This site is not for solicitation of services or 'purchasing' development. Please do not post requesting side mods/plugins and so on. Your thread will be removed, and you will receive a warning.
By Cosmology27
#189428 I know we're not supposed to post requests for side mods and stuff, so I'm just wondering, where are we supposed to go for information?
Are they planning on doing a preloader for 1.10.2?

I'm just realizing now (after hours of trying to fix it...) that you can't put pixelmon into a technic pack, so you have to use preloader, which isn't 1.10.2. You can do a pixelmon modpack through their launcher, but it looks absolutely painful to use. So really there's no way to actually use the mod in a modpack for servers. However, for some reason, there's a few modpacks on technic that seem to be able to do it.

Just frustrated that it seems like the best mod out there doesn't want me to actually use the mod. I'm just hoping there will be a preloader for 1.10.2, and don't know where to find that information.

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By Jay113355
Terms of use wrote:Distribution of this mod is only permitted to the Pixelmon Mod website, via our downloads page. Redistribution in any form, whether it be public or private modpack, alternate download link, direct download link to the software, or downloading from any location not defined by Pixelmon Mod via the downloads page is strictly prohibited. The administration team reserve the right to define redistribution as they please. Failure or refusal to adhere to this is a violation of Pixelmon Mod intellectual rights, and will be defended either with removal of access to the mod at download, or in severe or larger cases, legal action may be taken.

Frequently_asked_questions wrote:The Pixelmon team maintains this standpoint about the Technic launcher for multiple reasons:
  • Users who obtain Pixelmon through alternate sources such as the Technic launcher frequently do not learn about the Pixelmon website. This prevents them from obtaining support and reporting bugs to the Pixelmon developers.
  • The Technic launcher makes it possible for hacked copies of Pixelmon to be distributed, making it a dangerous and unacceptable platform for obtaining Pixelmon.
  • The Technic launcher developers continually refuse to address the aforementioned issues, despite attempts from the Pixelmon team to negotiate.
By Cosmology27
#189460 I clearly stated that I knew the rules, and wasn't trying to break them.
"I know we're not supposed to post requests for side mods and stuff, so I'm just wondering, where are we supposed to go for information?
Are they planning on doing a preloader for 1.10.2?"

Also, the Preloader is a Pixelmon side mod that allows the technic launcher to run pixelmon. It's perfectly within the rules, since pixelmon creators made it. I'm just asking about details regarding one of their sidemods.

So, back to my original question, is the sidemod prelauncher going to be available for 1.10.2? Where do I find such information so I don't bother people in the forums?