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By ThePugGamer
#190077 Hi I've seen a couple servers that have a level cap of over 100 and I would like to do this with my server, unfortunately I'm not sure how to do this please let me know if you know how.

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By majesticmadman98
#190171 I assume he means that some servers have had lvl 100 + pokemon like those with Lvl 1000 pokemon. Using an NBT editor. However Pixelmon doesn't support 100+ pokemon or the use of NBT editors as far as I know.
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By MoeBoy76
#190249 the only way to level up past 100 is to break the Pixelmon Terms of Service and edit the jar
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By MrMasochism
#190270 If you keep an eye on the pixelmon language git repo you'll see that we recently added a config option tag for setting level cap...