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By SP09
#190179 Im trying to help my little girl with her Pixelmon game. When she logs off she comes back to find people have stolen everything out of her chest and also all her berries etc. They can get into her house as well. Her big sister has an account and if anyone tries to go into her house or chest is says they dont have permission. How do you set it up like that so other players cant get into it without your permission? I googled it and it said to make a sign to attach that said private but that didnt work. Could you guys please explain to me how to help her. Thankyou! PS Im not a gamer so apologies if ive used the wrong wording im just trying to help her fix this :)

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By Some Body
#190181 This depends on the server you are on, so you'll have to ask the admins on that server and not us.
By SP09
#190182 Ok thanks how would i do that though please? I asked her what server are you on and she said just normal pixelmon server. I didnt see a button to contact anyone?
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By Some Body
#190183 There are many servers, and each has their own way of contacting. You need to find out which one it is, and from there you can figure out what to do, possibly by joining the server and asking around. You won't find your answer here.
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By MikaelS11
#190244 I assume she joins the server through the 'multiplayer' option in Minecraft? What name or IP address is listed there that she clicks on?
By lordburns
#190368 yes they go through the multiplayer option.
PixelmonMod Beta1
I have 3 kids on this server but are all currently not whitelisted so we cant get on at all, are we better off finding a new server for them? cheers