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By Crashh
#191472 So I was building a custom modpack yesterday but i really wanted a mod like NEI (Not Enough Items) because... tech mods. so i did a little research and came across a mod called Just Enough Items. Now I know that NEI is not compatible with Pixelmon for some weird reason so there might be a sliver of a chance this mod might work and HOLY ARCANINE IT WORKED. The game started and didn't crash for the 4 hours i played it. I'm running Pixelmon 4.3.0 Beta 12 on Minecraft 1.8.9 FYI. I don't know if this mod works on any earlier versions of pixelmon or if it works with the 1.10 minecraft version, someone else can test that out.
I just wanted to share this because I know that A LOT of people get annoyed about having to pause their game just to look up a crafting recipe (myself included).

K, have fun with this -Crashh

P.S. if it makes a difference i got JEI from here:

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By spf9000
#192043 I want to add to this that I seemed to have come across an issue when using JEI that I could not use anything other than an attack after selecting fight. I did not look much into this so it could be nothing just wanted to give a heads up.