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By AgeOfPoke
#191868 I have a small dedicated pixelmon server with a usual 2 people being on it at the same time. We only run pixelmon and some sidemods. (Pixelmon extras, pixelmon friends, wonder trade, item finder, game shark, and safeplace.) Our problem is that the server lags a lot. I constantly have to restart and we know it is the server and not our games because we all have "beefy" computers and run it just fine on single player. Any advice would be extremely appreciated.

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By Rasgnarok
#191888 If you could explain this better (by providing RAM allocated, versions of Pixelmon and sidemods, Forge version, Sponge presence, etc.) by joining our Pixelmon Support Team over at Discord we can surely look over and help you.

It is by far the easiest way to let us, help you.