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By ForteBlitz
#194675 Now before you staff jump the gun and move this elsewhere, do kindly listen to my call for help.

Now then, I've been using a mod called "Journeymap" alongside a small pixelmon addon which made the map mod function like a pseudo-pokeradar, just nowhere near as overpowered.

Unfortunately with most servers updating their pixelmon versions to the newest, I have also been forced to update my modlist, including Journeymap. This kinda threw a spanner in the works, as the more recent Journeymap versions changed how they could have custom icons for certain mob entities, in this case Pixelmon.

Now as you might be able to tell, this is a cry for help/collab of sorts. In essence, what I'm seeking is a group of people who would be willing to help piece this little conundrum together. I'm not asking this to be official or anything, just something that players can use on pixelmon servers or even on singleplayer to help make their experience more enjoyable.

Now before you go saying: "Just go use Gameshark/Pokeradar". Those options are off the table. I want to make something which servers will allow use of without having to pull any strings.

I have already messed around a bit on this "project", as I am now referring to it. If anyone would like to help, your input on this would be greatly appreciated.

Regards ~

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By MoeBoy76
#194676 As yet, i have not solved this conundrum, i may find the correct channel to contact the dev and see if it's possible get it working again