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By Xyzamos
#197102 I see the message periodically about a legendary spawning in X Biome. My question is what kind of range is this pulling from? I assume it's a biome that I am nearby but I can never find the legendary in it.

For instance, the main one I've seen is a Legendary has spawned in a River Biome. Looking at the wiki only 3 legendary pokemon can spawn in a River Biome and says they spawn on land, I went up and down the river near me multiple times on both sides of the river and no luck, nothing in the water that I could see.

Just trying to figure out what to expect in terms of area I guess.

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By tridaak
#197116 Default chunkSpawnRadius on the config is 8. (Think this number is reduced on servers, as default chunks loaded around a player is 6)
I'm not 100% sure which one it uses, but assume it's the chunkSpawnRadius. River legendaries are very hard to find, because they are quite small, you usually find them in the land around the river or floating on the water itself.

Different legendaries have different spawn locations, so some are easier found than others. For example lugia, latios and latias, all spawn in as air-persistent, because the ocean is flat and nothing obstructs the view, quite easy to find them.
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By MrMasochism
#197265 you have 15 minutes to find the legendary once it spawns and they don't move far so if you don't see it in the one you are in go exploring
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By Kivogtar
#197269 Just real quick, I could make a new post but it seems relevant to his question also, what all is involved in determining whether a legendary is spawned. Like... when a legendary spawns what is accounted for, I have searched the wiki trying to find this but can't seem to find it. Is it per chunk loaded in the legends biome, or just completely random? I sometimes notice water legends spawning more than others. If that data is available somewhere a link would be good enough.
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By tridaak
#197279 It's a combination of things. Simplest way to put it, it's based off available spawn location, every so often (think it's a few minutes) pixelmon tries to spawn a legendary, the legendary that spawns is dependent on which biomes are closest to the player.
Each legendary would have an equal spawn chance. Since there's 4 different ocean legendaries, they're the ones who spawn more often.

Basically, if you're on an island with sunflower, beach, and ocean/deep ocean biomes, there'd be a 1/6 chance of rayquaza to spawn, 1/6 chance of suicune to spawn, and 4/6 chance of a water legendary like lugia or latios to spawn.
It gets a bit more complex when one considers if the biomes have legendary spawn points and if the legendary has been spawned recently (depending on the settings, there's a cooldown for the same legendary to spawn again). If you search online, there should be more details describing this.