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By ThePunLexicon
#198133 ive looked all over with no results. Ive tried the two most recent versions of pixelmon and the jar file just wont open to install pixelmon, double clicking does nothing. I have the most recent version of java AND the correct version of minecraft forge. ive even used the cmd window to no avail as it states it cannot access the file.

ive also created the mods file in the .minecraft folder and placed the jar file within it. minecraft loads successfully and... nothing it just runs as normal minecraft with no pixelmon.

now im just tired and frustrated... i only wanted to play the ding dang game... :-(

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By ThePunLexicon
#198138 ive done everything stated in the installation instructions and pixelmon is still not appearing in the mods list when opening minecraft. i have absolutely no idea what i could possibly be doing wrong because im following the instructions exactly.
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By ThePunLexicon
#198141 thanks but that still isnt helpful. the only thing i can think of is the possibility that i put the mod in the wrong location. i created a mods folder inside the .minecraft folder and that is where the pixelmon jar file is. placing the jar file in the mods folder within .minecraft allows the game to load without pixlemon showing. putting pixelmon in the mods folder within the mods folder causes and error "The game crashed whilst there was a severe problem during mod loading that has caused the game to fail
Error: net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoaderExceptionModCrash: Caught exception from Pixelmon (pixelmon)"

i have the directory set as C:/Users\Alexis\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\mods
when i simply set the directory to .minecraft i get a similar crash error when starting.
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By SnowBlitzz
#198146 I don't think you needed to make a mods folder if you installed forge correctly, cause forge makes the mods folder for you. Anyway,

1. What forge version did you install?
2. Right click the Pixlemon jar -> Properties. What is the size?
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By xanderindalzone
#198151 are you running minecraft with the forge profile?
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By ThePunLexicon
#198172 i would use the launcher if it would work. double clicking the executable jar file wont open the installer. i have java up to date and everything and even tried to open the jar file using cmd and it told me the file was inaccessible. the file is 392042KB and i think thats the proper size if im not mistaken. and yes i was using the forge profile and it loaded up the game as normal with forge showing the loading bars and pixelmon showed up absove the loading bar but when the game was running it wasnt in the mods list nor did anything happen when i started a world.