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By azh2002ar
#198541 i check in pixelmon wiki that you need a stable version for sponge to update pixelmon to the lastest version of minecraft . so i searched in sponge forum and i find a stable version for 1.11.2 , this is the link if you want a proof or i dont know ... ble/1.11.2
i hope this is helpful to update pixelmon

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By SKyTheThunder
#198542 That is known, however when they released that the next update was too far along already. So next release will still be for 1.10.2 if nothing major happens.
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By SKyTheThunder
#198546 No, if they wanted to switch over to 1.11 at this point they'd have to rewrite most of what they've done already. Which takes time and would unnecessarily delay the release. So they're planning to finish it up for 1.10.2 and work on porting it over once that is out of the way.