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By TronMC2015
#199641 Hey, I hope the Pixelmon Developers see this, me and a few friends are thinking of making a mod for the 1.7.10 version of pixelmon 3.4.0. This mod will add in all of the latest pixelmon advancements, at least as far as the pokemon, items, blocks, and pokemon moves. But, I personally will be adding in some other things like the "Distoration Dimention", the "Dream Dimention", the "Time Stream Dimention", and the "Divine Dimention", plus various badges that you might not have thought of such as the "Elite Four Badges" which includes 4 main badges for the first four trainers plus a non-stack-able badge known as the "Champions Badge" which is for the Champian of Elite Four. The Champian Badge is meant to be passed down from champion to champion. I hope that there will be two things that come out of this post, 1. The pixelmon Developers add the 3.4.0 update back to the site, and 2. the addon mod can proceed with the primary support of the Pixelmon Developers.