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By dashtypo12
#204876 Hello!
A few years ago i was introduced to pixelmon via the SkyDoesMinecraft Pixelmon server.
If anyone remembers it, basically it was a set custom map that never changed, it had a bunch of different gyms and certain pokemon spawned in the many different biomes. each gym was ran by mods or volunteers of the server and it was a tonne of fun. Also the main point i liked about it was the fact that it wasn't a survival server, you could just roam the custom map exploring, catching pokemon and beating the gym leaders without having to feel like you need to build a base.

So my question to you. Is there a server like this that exists at the minute or has this concept just vanished?


Also sorry if this isnt the correct place to post, its my first time here!

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By XpanD
#204879 I've seen a few servers that sound pretty similar, but we cannot make any specific recommendations. I would in this specific case recommend looking for a server that is free to play/not pay-to-win, as that'll give you a better chance of having that kind of stuff available from the get-go.