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By AnonymousDolphin
#205810 Hi!

I was wondering if anyone knew how to make scoreboards containing pixelmon data?

To be spesific, I want to have a scoreboard that displays the total amount of pokemon each player has defeated.

If not possible, are there any pixelmon spesific data (pokeball throws, pokemon caught, gyms defeated etc.) other than the typical stats.craftItem or stats.useItem?

Thank you for checking out my post, have a great day! :)

By AnonymousDolphin
#205819 I found a way using command blocks and the advancement for defeating your first wild pokemon.

First I made a scoreboard named Kills, with the objective trigger (scoreboard objectives add Kills trigger)

Then I enabled all players to trigger the scoreboard with a command block on repeat:

scoreboard players enable @a Kills

Afterwards I put three command blocks in a chain.

1 - advancement test name pixelmon:wild_battle_victories/wild_battle_victory_trigger
//This one checks if the given player/players have the advancement

2 - execute name 513 56 -1758 trigger Killsadd 1
//This one adds +1 to the scoreboard for the given player. The coordinates I do not know if matter, but apperantly I had to add them for the command block to work (it is the cords of the command block)

3 - advancement revoke name only pixelmon:wild_battle_victories/wild_battle_victory_trigger
//This one removes the advancement for the given player, so that they can kill another pokemon and gain the advancement anew.

I found this method works, but is very clunky.