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By TG007
#207331 Hi, I wanted Greninja-Ash in my team so i started fishing with a super rod in a swamp with 6 blocks deep water for 15 hours straight, but I didn't find a single greninja with the battlebond ability. Is it something wrong with me or the drop rate is so low? In 15 hours I captured 45 greninjas :-(

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By SKyTheThunder
#207335 Getting a Greninja at all is pretty rare already (it is a fully evolved starter after all) and then there's a 1/71 chance that it will have Battle Bond. This is fully within regular rates.
I'd suggest having a Pokémon with the Trace ability with you, so you don't have to catch each Greninja to check for Battle Bond.
By TG007
#207336 Thanks for the reply, i just found it 3 hours ago. But i have a question: Do having full water stone armor increases the probability? thx