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By JasonRoy
#207603 I'm making a map for my friend to play on, but came across a problem in testing, that being NPCs with mega pokemon wouldn't ever mega evolve. So I tested and found that even with the mega bracelet activated (I didn't even have the dynamax band at this point but I tested with it too) mega evo couldn't be used in trainer battles. But it could still be used in wild battles and outside of battle. Additionally I can't give npcs the ability to use dynamax, and the npcs that can use it don't have any visable tags saying it's an available option.

As far as I can tell this is either a bug with how the devs implemented dynamaxing, or a problem with the config option "Old Gen Dimensions" which apparently effects what parts of the game use gen 7 mechanics and what parts use gen 8 mechanics. But i have no idea how it works, all the setting itself says is 72. it doesn't give any details for how changing that value affects the game, but for some reason that value allows gen 7 mechanics for anything other than trainer battles. I can also have multiple active values for some reason, for this setting. Alternatively this is a bug with how dynamax was implemented, that being you can have either dynamax or mega evolution in a battle (why not just add a restriction that prevents a mega pokemon from dynamaxing) but for some reason it's implementation broke mega evolution, but only for trainer battles somehow.

On a side note our server used to have the gameshark addon active but now it just doesn't work despite us both still having it.
Last edited by Awesomerob on 26 Mar 2021 15:41, edited 2 times in total. Reason: Removing malicious link

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By SKyTheThunder
#207604 Mega Evolution isn't supposed to work in Dynamax dimensions outside PvP at all by default. There is however a bug that the button for it shows up when it shouldn't. That's fixed for next release.

You can configure which dimensions use which gimmicks (Dynamax or Mega/Z) via the "oldGenDimensions" setting. The number(s) listed in it are the IDs of the respective dimensions you want to use the older gimmicks. The default value is the ID for Ultra Space, you can find the ones for Vanilla dimensions on the Minecraft Wiki. List any IDs for dimensions you want to use Mega/Z instead of Dynamax in there, separated by commas.

Next release will address the NPCs and add a way to set the gimmick they use via the NPC Editor, allowing you to create ones that use/allow Mega Evolution in Dynamax dimensions and ones with Dynamax in the Old Gen Dimensions. They will stay mutually exclusive per battle though.