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By AsHperson
#207646 I'm creating a modpack for my friends and I to play on with my classic favorites including buildcraft and railcraft. I'm just now getting into pixelmon for the first time(big fan of Pokemon) and the amount of polish on this mod blows me away!!! I can't thank the devs enough for their hard work on such an amazingly made piece of software!
I am however a bit confused when I open up my advancements(had to take a second look) to not find any vanilla minecraft achievements and after I found oil from buildcraft it lit up another tab in my advancements for buildcraft however the minecraft tab is nowhere to be found even though I've opened my inventory, punched down a tree and all.
Am I missing something?

Thanks again!

edit: as I lay my head in embarrassment, I did not notice that the full achievements tree does not show at first