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By Sycrax
#209068 Hey there,

I would like to know a few things:

1) Is it possible to set the natural spawning of Pokemon to disabled, so that they only can spawn by spawner? (I tried this once myself but when i turned the natural spawns to disabled, the spawner couldnt spawn them either.

2) Are the drops configureable?

3) Is it possible to add costom skins to already existing pokemon, wich can only be obtained via Admincommand?

4) Is there a way to script your own Quests? If yes is there a Tutorial?

5) Is there a way to edit shops?

6) Is there a possibility to set spawners to just activate on certain daytimes/weathers?

I want to build a Open World but Map Based Adventure Server and i would need to know if my ideas are even possible.

Many thanks!

Your Sy.