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By PokemasterRed45
#209934 After the 1.16+ update for pixelmon do you have plans to make pixelmon compatible with fabric? I love both forge and fabric mods and wish more were compatible with both. If not that's cool but my curiosity has me hanging for answers.

Thank you for reading my post
- PokemasterRed45

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By SKyTheThunder
#209938 Fabric is an entirely different platform and Pixelmon is too large to easily rewrite it for that. Last comment I've seen from the devs was quite a while ago, but at least back then they said that Fabric does not offer the functionality that Pixelmon needs.
I wouldn't expect it as long as Forge stays viable.
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By Jay113355
#209941 Its more the forge community is way better then Fabric. And forge's goal is to facilitate mod compatibility, where as fabric primarily allows modding in a way that has traditionally caused conflicts between mods. So we're sticking with forge.