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By codyr1799
#209937 Howdy!

I'm looking into making a custom map using natural generation and stumbled across the customizable structure JSON files. I've been playing around with them a bit but I'm not sure my changes are taking effect. I've mainly messed with the standalone structures, upping their spawn-rates and adding biomes, but I'm not sure if my edits are taking effect. Structures don't seem to be generating any more commonly.

Yes, I saved the file and reloaded the game :D My one brain cell isn't that bad.
The config setting in External Files is also set to true.

Now, my many questions:

1. Are these files actually working, or are they not implemented yet?
2. Is there something else, either in a config or a file, that needs to be enabled/disabled for these files to take effect
3. For BoP biomes, how do I list those? is it biomesoplenty:[biome] or just the biome?
4. Am I simply not smart and missing something?

Thank youuuuu~


If I'm in the wrong place, I apologize, but please point me in the right direction!

Edit: Uhmm.. I'm now noticing that no Pixelmon structures are spawning at all? Not even in villages?

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By Jay113355
#209942 Yes those files work if you have them configured properly.
They need to be enabled in the pixelmon.hocon, they will then be exported from the jar to the pixelmon folder where they will then be loaded from.
Both ways should work, you can also use category names from the BetterSpawnerConfig iirc.
No idea, I don't know you.

That all being said, would highly recommend using another world generation mod for what you're trying to do, our system was designed/made to support our own needs, and there are mods that are designed to do exactly what you need with high configuration.
By codyr1799
#209944 Interesting, thank you!
I must've messed up somewhere, when I tried some generations with the config on, it stopped all Pixelmon structures from appearing. Back to the drawing board.

Thank you!