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By 0verjoyed
#210131 Can't figure out how to submit a bug report, so asking here. I use the Technic Launcher and am recently starting up with no sound and no way to fix it.

Here's the code thingy:
[B#707] [12:13:45] [Thread-6/INFO]: Could not locate OpenAL library.
[B#707] [12:13:45] [Thread-6/WARN]: STACK TRACE:
[B#707] [12:13:45] [Thread-6/INFO]: org.lwjgl.openal.AL.create(
[B#707] [12:13:45] [Thread-6/INFO]: org.lwjgl.openal.AL.create(
[B#707] [12:13:45] [Thread-6/INFO]: org.lwjgl.openal.AL.create(
[B#707] [12:13:45] [Thread-6/INFO]: paulscode.sound.libraries.LibraryLWJGLOpenAL.init(
[B#707] [12:13:45] [Thread-6/INFO]: paulscode.sound.SoundSystem.CommandNewLibrary(
[B#707] [12:13:45] [Thread-6/INFO]: paulscode.sound.SoundSystem.CommandQueue(
[B#707] [12:13:45] [Thread-6/INFO]:
[B#707] [12:13:45] [Sound Library Loader/WARN]: ERROR MESSAGE:
[B#707] [12:13:45] [Sound Library Loader/INFO]: Could not locate OpenAL library.
[B#707] [12:13:45] [Sound Library Loader/INFO]: Starting up SoundSystem...
[B#707] [12:13:45] [Thread-8/INFO]: Switching to No Sound
[B#707] [12:13:45] [Thread-8/INFO]: (Silent Mode)
[B#707] [12:13:46] [Sound Library Loader/INFO]: Sound engine started

Is anyone else having this problem? How do I fix it?