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By HeartDandy
#210208 So, I am trying to use a command to give myself the pixelmon morphs using the morph mod, but it seems to give me trouble with the actual pixelmon. The other entities don't give me trouble, and when I end a pixelmon's existence, I get a morph. But some, such as Gastly, I can't get through the traditional methods. So, I'm at a bit of a loss. I can't kill the pixelmon and get the morph, but at the same time, I am having issues getting the morph through commands. Any suggestions? Here is the command I am trying to input:
/morph give *User Name Here* pixelmon:pixelmon
I don't know if there is a way to specify which pixelmon I desire using commands, and doing
/morph give User Name Here *
crashed the game every time I tried. So, what I need would be a command similar to a specification command, akin to the spawning of a charged creeper using commands.
Hope this isn't too much trouble.

EDIT: Found out that the issue could be related to the mob data. iChun's Morph mod apparently requires hand info, mob data, and nbt modifiers to create a morph. If any of these are missing/not working, the morph will not be made.

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By SKyTheThunder
#210217 Outside the battle mechanics, Ghost type Pokémon are immune to all forms of damage apart from what Minecraft regards as "magic damage" - because they're ghosts and it makes little sense for those to take fire/fall/suffocation damage.
Regarding commands, Pixelmon entities contain rather complex NBT data and I'm not sure which tags are required for Morph to recognize them. It might be possible to define them with data tags in the command as-is, but would probably end up a huge block of tags each. It will likely take a compatibility feature from Morph's side to make that easier.