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By HelpingChansey
#210289 In my server all of the cold taiga biomes are destroyed and I replanted some new trees but the calyrexes arent spawning fast enough.

I calculated how long I have to wait and its 48 Minecraft days or 16 hours, if that is even true. I added the 30% and 0.76% chance of spawning.

How do I spawn him faster?

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By SKyTheThunder
#210292 Where do you get the 0.76% chance from? Legendaries spawn on a timer, with a 30% chance every ~21 minutes on average (can vary by up to +/- 40%) if one can spawn in your current conditions. Considering Calyrex spawns during Morning by default, the long-term average should be somewhere in the range of one every 2ish hours. Whether there are trees or not should not affect it, as long as there are regular terrain blocks it can spawn on.
-> wiki/Legendary_Pokemon