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By MGMac
#210734 I want to start a server for me and my friends, and I want to use pixelmon and sponge (for huskycrates). Is there any server hosting software that would allow me to do this, ideally for free? Or a mod like huskycrates that would work with what I currently use (aternos)? Any help is appreciated.

Note: I have not used this forum much, sorry if this is in the wrong place or format

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By Souvtorpixel
#211524 Hello

You can use another your machine who can host your server.
You can use : MineOS for manage servers (its free but need a good enought machine for launch servers)
You can use also directly the server version of minecraft and all necessary plugins/forge and a very good enough too for host your server
This 2 method need some pre configuration than you can found in google for prepare it
but enough for private server and always free