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By DarkfireZarandar
#211085 Honestly, there isn't a way to tell you which to choose without being unfair. The best pokémon to choose is the one you like the most. Unlike the mainstream games, gyms are not required so there isn't a best starter to choose to speed up the game.

Personally, if I'm starting a solo world, I modify the pixelmon.hocon file to guarantee shiny starters, and choose which shiny starter I feel like starting with - in my case it's usually Froakie, Mudkip, Fennekin, or Charizard since I love their shinies (and I tend to prefer Mudkip or Fennekin).

If you really have a starter you want to use that isn't a traditional starter (say, Dratini), you can modify the pixelmon.hocon file to remove one of the starters listed and add your own.

Whatever you choose to do, HAVE FUN!