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By tprime3797
#211592 Hello,

I just updated my home server and client to the latest version, and when I logged in I was forced to choose a new starter pokemon. When the world loaded all my pokemon were gone, as were things like my PC, Trade station, Mecanical Anvils, Apricorn tress, etc.

I attempted to use /give to replace the items, but some (Mechanical Anvil) don't seem to exist.

Does any have any idea how I can fix this?

forge 1.16.5-36.2.34
pixelmon 1.16.5-9.0.1

Pixelmon 1.16.5-9.0.1

Thank you

By TheLittleLegend
#211597 Mechanical anvil doesnt seem to exist in my game either. I just submitted a support ticket for this, so I will just wait for their response.
By TheLittleLegend
#211598 apparently they changed it so that you dont have to hammer lids and bases for pokeballs anymore.
you just make them with the materials in the crafting bench.
You do need the right material though, ultra and quick balls now need platinum bases