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By Theenderking990
#211974 When looking on the Wiki of what blocks to use when breeding, I only found 1.12 and below blocks, compared to the variety of blocks now present in 1.16

I would like to know if the Wiki hasn't been updated to accommodate for the new 1.16 blocks, OR if we must still use the 1.12 blocks that are listed in the wiki currently

Additionally, as an Example, Fire type breeding requires Fire, Lava, Netherack, Torches, Stone or Wood, however, Nylium (Netherack that can grow Fungus) and Magma Blocks aren't listed in the wiki, are in 1.16 and would be perfect for Fire type breeding

Can I please get some confirmation/an explanation on this, thank you

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By SKyTheThunder
#211975 The Breeding Environment system is very outdated at this point. I believe it hasn't really been updated since it was added and is on the list of mechanics that need a major overhaul.