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By k54790
#212602 Hi, I'm trying to add a new biome to Pixelmon. The way I've been doing is by having a global datapack that overrides the betterspawnerconfig.json. I'm wondering if there is a way to add lines into the Pixelmon JSON instead of replacing it? My problem is that if there is a new update with more additions to the betterspawnerconfig file, I would have to manually go and add those additions to my override file. I've been able to do it with the pokedrop.json file. I made a folder named "pokedrop" and add my JSON with only custom items in there. It worked and my custom drops comes up along with the original pokedrop.json drops. But I cannot do it with betterspawnerconfig file, when I made the "betterspawnerconfig" folder and add my custom JSON file in there, it doesn't recognize. Am I doing something wrong or is this a WIP feature or is it impossible to implement? Would love to hear back on this.