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By Ozner2608
#212983 Good Morning, I was watching some videos of differents pixelmontubers and look a message that appears on the world something like that: "A shiny (Pokemon name) has spawned in a (biome) somewhere in the (dimension)! (Player name) is near to it!"
It´s also happen when appears a Boss Pokemon, Mega Boss Pokemon and Legendary Pokemon.
So, I really want how I can show this message in my own world, i was surfing on internet and i can´t find anything, maybe u can help me :(

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By SKyTheThunder
#212993 That was added via the "Pixelmon Broadcasts" sidemod, which can be found on the downloads page.
For the 9.x releases (MC 1.16.5) there is a community-based update named "BetterPokeBroadcaster" and is available via the dev's GitHub.