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By JustAz
#213031 Simple question, I am trying to change around some spawn rates, namely mew, but it seems that I can't find the right file, I thought it would be Mew.set.json but none of my changes seemed to work there.

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By SKyTheThunder
#213038 You can override all spawn files via Data Pack. Make sure you copy the original file to the same path inside the pack. You can also run your edited file though an online JSON validator to make sure you didn't accidentally break the format.

Also keep in mind that the "rarity" value won't have much of an effect on legendaries, if that's specifically what you changed. It only comes into play if there are more than one possible legendary that can spawn in the exact conditions at the coordinate that was picked for spawning - which is very rare. As far as I can tell, Mew has no directly competing spawns with its default conditions.