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By Chopper
#33638 I was just wondering if anybody else has ever had to drown a mareep so they could make a bed and revive their pokemon.

By jeremy58589721
#33640 nope, i was ooo good time to go mining now since those nasty lvl 40 golbats will leave me alone... and than if i didnt find diamonds to make a healer id just make a flint and steel and burnt every pokemon around my base
By Chopper
#33688 Hmm. Well, I just pushed the mareep into a pool of water and placed a block over its head so it couldnt surface.
By lugiaisbeast101
Chopper wrote:Hmm. Well, I just pushed the mareep into a pool of water and placed a block over its head so it couldnt surface.

Um, are you confessing to Pokémon abuse? XD I just get some bow & arrows to get the job done. Some shurikens & kuneis if you're an NPC mod user.
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By Jephon
#33815 Why don't you just use a shear? U do know you could shear mareeps right? They look pretty funny without wool actually. :)
By Chopper
#33816 Yeah, I know about shearing and milking the pokemon. But I was in the mood to avoid mining.