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By Boogaluke
#2900 This one is to save all the time for the mods to keep repeating themselves after someone has made a non gen1 pokemon. To be honest, I love seeing all the non gen1 models being put out ! it makes it look like people are actually interested/trying it out. It somewhat bothers me every time we have to tell them that its gen1 only though, because some of the non gen1 models look great.

I'm suggesting a sub forum for gen1 only, and once all of them have been gone through, we then open up sub forums for the rest of the gens so it doesn't confuse them into making more non gen1 pokemon.

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By Rados
#2904 Gen 2+ pokemon don't get approved and don't get much feedback, we only allow it as first model for training, it doesn't matter if its a great model, it has to be gen 1
By Boogaluke
#2908 you didn't get what i was trying to say, i didn't want to have gen2+ to be made more than any one else because of the gen1 rule, I'm just saying label it as a gen1 model forum to some what enforce the rule even more.
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#2910 we do it so we can get it done faster, if we didnt have this restirction models would be all over the place, harder to get decent feedback on them, and we would most likely never get gen 1 done because would wouldnt do that harder pokemon
By JurroRath
#2920 I understood. He's saying to change the name of 'Pokemon Model Feedback' to 'Generation 1 Pokemon Model Feedback', which is an idea I like, since that makes it clear, up front and center, that we're focusing on gen 1 primarily. However, I can imagine there'd be a large influx of 'you guys should do the other generations too D:!' topics, so perhaps have generation feedback forums for all the generations, ie 'Generation 2 Pokemon Model Feedback', 'Generation 3 Pokemon Model Feedback', etc and lock the boards so no one can post there until we're working on that generation. As for new modellers, perhaps a board for beginner modellers to do as they please until their modelling skills are up to standards and they're confident enough to start submitting pokemon would work best.
By Boogaluke
JurroRath wrote:I understood. He's saying to change the name of 'Pokemon Model Feedback' to 'Generation 1 Pokemon Model Feedback', which is an idea I like, since that makes it clear, up front and center, that we're focusing on gen 1 primarily. However, I can imagine there'd be a large influx of 'you guys should do the other generations too D:!' topics, so perhaps have generation feedback forums for all the generations, ie 'Generation 2 Pokemon Model Feedback', 'Generation 3 Pokemon Model Feedback', etc and lock the boards so no one can post there until we're working on that generation. As for new modellers, perhaps a board for beginner modellers to do as they please until their modelling skills are up to standards and they're confident enough to start submitting pokemon would work best.

Thank you for clearing it up, and locking the other forums sounds like a good idea ! Concerning the move from the old to the new forum, not many new comers know the rule as much as the ones that have been on the old forum. I think it just needs to be addressed publicly rather than individually about how the Gen1 models need to be done first.