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By xShadow
#51016 I have not found any fossils...looking in gravel under the oceans for 3 days. ( I have installed ElliansDetector and I cant find any).

By Polifroeg
#51082 I just use ellians detector mod it tells shows the block your looking for on a radar when your within a certain range I still have only found one but I think Its s bit eaier If you want to use id the fossil id number is 4085
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By emerald_ice
SPG wrote:there is about 1 fossil every 2 chunks from what i saw with x-ray

You don't tell people you can use X-Ray with it xD
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emerald_ice wrote:
SPG wrote:there is about 1 fossil every 2 chunks from what i saw with x-ray

You don't tell people you can use X-Ray with it xD

most x-ray mods dont work from what i have seen, adn you qupting me and bringin back the thread defiantly wont help lol the mod i used is just so out there, not many people know about ti, for all i know, it doesnt even work anymore