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By Grublit
#46828 i was wondering why the move Extremespeed is not in the game. arcanine supposed to learn it at level 39 but he doesnt ;)

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By GhostWolf2398
Grublit wrote:i was wondering why the move Extremespeed is not in the game. arcanine supposed to learn it at level 39 but he doesnt ;)

Probably just hasn't been added yet, currently there are some 500+ moves in game, and work is being done to complete them all, though admittedly some of the moves that have unusual attributes besides just doing damage take more time to add in (moves that force switches, flinch, etc).

Also, I believe the move set data that is used for Pixelmon is based on the Gen IV or V move tables (though I think some might use earlier generation tables), so it is possible that it could be in game, but the level learned is different. I looked it up and the levels it could be learned at in the different generations are Gen I: 50, Gen II: 49, Gen III-IV: 39, Gen V:34.

EDIT: I looked it up, and the move exists in the Pixelmon.db file (which has the moves). Arcanine actually learns it at Level 34, so you may have passed it by.