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By alexbegt
#3433 Hello, I'm Part of the pixelmon team, and part of the BukkitForge project,
Pixelmon Works Correct with BukkitForge, And BukkitForge is a coremod that is only needed on server.

BukkitForge is a server mod only not a client, Installing it on client will mess up.

Here is a link to it: BukkitForge.

And plugins go in the plugins folder.

Also a Fix to ModifyWorld so it works with Group Manager: ModifyWorld.

If that don't work we have a pex converter to GroupManager From Essentials PermissionsEX to Group Manager.

-Alexbegt Pixelmon Team/BukkitForge Team.

By imapseudonym
#3557 So I *think* I got this working, but not sure yet. Is there any reason why it takes the server like 5 minutes to start now after I installed this? Before, it booted up fairly quickly within like 5 seconds.
By imapseudonym
#3559 For reference here's an example of what it stays stuck at. No errors on loadup:

29.01 23:21:57 [Server] INFO Successfully loaded users:
29.01 23:21:57 [Server] INFO Set UUID to *not sure if this should be private or not?*
29.01 23:21:57 [Server] INFO Initializing configuration...
29.01 23:21:57 [Server] INFO Configured a dormant chunk cache size of 0
29.01 23:21:57 [Server] INFO Found target method: a(Leb;)V! Inserting code...
29.01 23:21:57 [Server] INFO Found target method in NetServerHandler: a(Lfc;)V
29.01 23:21:57 [Server] WARNING The mod id BukkitForge attempted to register a packet handler without specifying channels for it
29.01 23:21:57 [Server] INFO Forge Mod Loader has identified 7 mods to load
29.01 23:21:56 [Server] INFO Searching /mods for mods
29.01 23:21:56 [Server] INFO Completed early MinecraftForge initialization

For debugging information if this helps I checked the forgemodloaded information and it loads bukkitforge but then pixelmon just sits at this screen indefinetely:

[FINER] [ForgeModLoader] Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod Pixelmon
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By phorcillic
#3584 I am for now using BukkitForge and I am quite satisfied with all...
except plugins.

Most plugins don't recognize Pixelmon items. :(
- WorldGuard allows players to plant Apricorns EVERYWHERE even if all map is covered in cuboids..
- ChestShop isn't working with Pixelmon items (you may buy air instead).
Wait, in newer versions there is working, but while buying you must have 1st slot free and selected.
However, after buying you may change the slot for that item. Number will be updated.
However, items are not added instantly - to finalize the transaction you must have wait a few seconds.

My friend is now creating a bukkit plugins SafePokemon, which blocks PLAYERvsPOKEMON fight and riding (both allowable by permissions)
By imapseudonym
#3611 olet and phorcillic, you guys just drug bukkitforge into the coremods folder and thats it right?

whenever we try bukkitforge will load, but then pixelmon wont initialize, and the server wont start as a result. we let it sit there for 5minutes trying to start. how much ram do your servers have?

I wonder what Im doing wrong.
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By phorcillic
#3612 yup, BukkitForge lands clearly in coremods folder.

He have 5GB server. For now, because of all errors, is playable for 16-24 slots... :I
We're trying to solve all the errors and have min.64 slots for players.
By imapseudonym
phorcillic wrote:yup, BukkitForge lands clearly in coremods folder.

He have 5GB server. For now, because of all errors, is playable for 16-24 slots... :I
We're trying to solve all the errors and have min.64 slots for players.

So odd, we just tested it with our test server and it started fine and is only using 200mb of ram. Yet our rented one won't start with bukkitforge. Hrmmm