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By th3devl
#55368 Since the evolution rocks and their unique rendering are the root of Pixelmon's Optifine incompatibility, I've set up my Bukkit server to never spawn them. All one needs to do is go to bukkit.yml in the server folder and set

worldgen-Pixelmon-WorldGenEvolutionRock: true


worldgen-Pixelmon-WorldGenEvolutionRock: false

Then either create a new world or use mcedit to delete all rocks in your existing world.
The world must be free of rocks and use Bukkit.

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#55370 this fix will slowly not work over updates, hopefully optifine fixes it before we put in a bunch of objs though
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By MrMasochism
#55378 yeah next update will crash if you look at porygon and a couple of other pokemon while using optifine. Lets hope they fix it soon. On the plus side, 1.6 runs way faster/more smoothly so there may be less need for optifine