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By Marked
#58550 Does anyone have a FTB private pack that has pixelmon installed? I have trying for hours to install pixelmon and nothing seems to work. I would love to try this mod out. If you do; could you PM me the key (If that is possible, just registered an account). Please help

Thanks dearly,

#58630 Are you sure that Pixelmon is compatible with FTB? You better check it out because, for example, Pixelmon isn't compatible with Optifine.
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By AnDwHaT5
#59386 Optifine will not work. Yes, it will launch but when you load a icy rock or mossy rock it will crash because it has features from forge that optifine didnt have. Ergo it is like asking a human to fly without any devices. It simply is not programmed to work properly.
By Dodge6734
#59520 I have pixelmon working on a FTB server with nei disabled. There are some minor compatibility issues it seems when showing stuff like the amount of liquid in a multi tank. If you don't mind that to much, then all you need to do is change your itemID's in your pixelmon.cfg. The way I did this is:
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1. Download the FTB ultimate pack, launch without any changes to the pack.
2. Export your ID list through NEI. Close Minecraft.
3. In the FTB launcher, disable the NEI mod and all it's plugins, Install the pixelmon mod.
4. Once the game has launched(and probably crashed) close it.
5. Open your pixelmon.cfg and the ID list(notepad works), change all your block ID's to free blockID slots and your itemID's to free itemID slots.
5. Launch

If you are using a private pack, the same steps should still apply, just export the ID list with the other mods installed first preferably. For some reason some of the items didn't produce an error in the logs when they were being replaced by another mod(not sure which one), took me ages to work out why I couldn't get EXP share :?