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By Firespar
pletter wrote:Does disabling leveling also disable EV gathering?

Not sure. Disabling levels is not a feature present in the mainstream games, it's a feature exclusive to Pixelmon, so you'd have to ask one of the mod developers themselves.
By pletter
MrMasochism wrote:I'm pretty certain that it does otherwise it could be abused


But I am currently EV training a pokemon and I would like to know if I can stop it from gaining more EV by disabling leveling. Maybe they didnt realise they needed to disable EV gaining too or maybe they just easily coded it to "freeze" the pokemon's data
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By GhostWolf2398
#60927 I believe the goal of the feature is for gym leaders on servers, so that every victory they get doesn't increase the level range of their team. Or at least that is a major application.
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pletter wrote:
MrMasochism wrote:who's they? I wrote it

I was talking about the developers

mr. m is the developer lol
By pletter
SPG wrote:
pletter wrote:
MrMasochism wrote:who's they? I wrote it

I was talking about the developers

mr. m is the developer lol

Woops. Well, excuse a noob with only 2 posts.
But we are getting off-topic here.
If a developer doesn't know the answer, then who would?
And if EV still adds up after level lock, shouldn't it be changed?