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By I_master_mind_I
#61960 Hi ive noticed that some pokemon have the exact shiny texture as their normal counterpart. I know some pokemon slight changes in color or tints but the following pokemon don't change at all when spawned shiny in other words they share the same texture on the pokemon but change sprite texture:

small little thing I know but i evolved a shiny pikachu on the server i play and now no one belives its shiny since it shares textures

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By Burgy
I_master_mind_I wrote:Hi ive noticed that some pokemon have the exact shiny texture as their normal counterpart. I know some pokemon slight changes in color or tints but the following pokemon don't change at all when spawned shiny in other words they share the same texture on the pokemon but change sprite texture:

small little thing I know but i evolved a shiny pikachu on the server i play and now no one belives its shiny since it shares textures

That is because, the modellers havent supplied us with any shiny texture yet, be patient. They will be here soon.
By I_master_mind_I
#63050 I know some Pokemons shiny texture is missing like fearow or shellder but raichus shiny texture is the same and that doetseem right I'd just prefer the missing texture as it would look cooler than just the same texture. Ill be patient but can we please delete repeated textures on those Pokemon listed so they get the same effect as missing texture Pokemon