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By dakoda14
#65607 Am I the only one who thinks that Rare Candies should have a different recipe? They are just so easy to make. I think it's the gold. Gold is just so EASY to get. They should either change the golden apple to a god apple or a diamond. Or maybe even an emerald.

By zmann16
#65611 well in the next update the recipe for golden apples have changed to gold nuggest to ignots.
By zmann16
deathbyfire12 wrote:
zmann16 wrote:well in the next update the recipe for golden apples have changed to gold nuggest to ignots.

Makes things a tiny bit harder I suppose

Yea and there are ways to make rare candys harder to make like putting a more realistic recipe like putting a golden apple glowstone and sugar in the middle and then on top and bottom 3 pieces of paper.