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By Shadowblitz
#243931 Hiya! So I recently redownlaoded 1.20.2 and went to change the .yml config files in my .minecraft folder, only to find that none of my changes are reflected in-game at all. I've tried restarting the game and redownloading the .jar file but with no luck, even opening up the .jar to see if i could find any other location a config might be stored. Are the .yml files in my .minecraft folder no longer used and there's a new location for them, or am I doing something wrong?

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By SKyTheThunder
#243960 The location of config files hasn't changed. However, that location is relative to where the game instance was installed to. Most of the common modpack launchers for example don't install their game into the ".minecraft" directory the standard launcher defaults to, so the files there won't affect them.
Check this guide for how to locate the config files for your respective installation: