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By brazilianbeast1
#66282 OK so i didn't know where to post this so ill just put this here but i was really curious about why you guys removed the suggestion thread and are refusing to take suggestions? can some one explain the reasoning behind it because, no offense to anyone, i think its a terrible idea (but maybe im wrong and there is a very good reason, who knows?)

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By AnDwHaT5
#66284 Because we constantly got the same idea's over, and over, and over again. Even the do not suggest topic was ignored so at one point it became rather irritating and we took it out. I am locking this if you or anyone else have any questions feel free to contact me via pm.
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By AnDwHaT5
#66285 Because we constantly got the same idea's over, and over, and over again. Even the do not suggest topic was ignored so at one point it became rather irritating and we took it out. I am locking this if you or anyone else have any questions feel free to contact me via pm.