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By Sirnick41
#68228 I just rented a server from a hosting site and it pretty much supported no plugins and crashed pretty often. I'm looking at using fragnet instead for pixelmon, because I really like the pricing options there's a server location in my city and it says it works with many plugins and mods. Has anybody used this site for hosting a pixelmon server, if so how was your experience and the plugin support?

By Eathuis
#70710 The only experience I have with server hosting is, amazing support if your server goes down and good prices too!
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By Burgy
#70877 I do beleive that FragNET doesn't allow access to the tmp directory, which is vital for Pixelmon to run.
But, I currently use Creeperhost as well and they are fantastic ^
By Tsev92
#71160 I used FragNet for PixeImon, WAAAAY more troubIe than worth. Had to mess around or DAYS to get PixeImon running, and then it crashed VERY frequently.
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By Burgy
Tsev92 wrote:I used FragNet for PixeImon, WAAAAY more troubIe than worth. Had to mess around or DAYS to get PixeImon running, and then it crashed VERY frequently.

My point.