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By Jfreak9
#69278 So I read in the Post about Donation incentive, and while I do not have any coding experience I do have some graphic design experience. If doing name or rank badge for the forum is a chosen route, I would gladly be able to create some badges for this forum. I have created the rank badges for another server that I play on and here is a screen shot of them.

Let me know either way. Cheers.


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By Rzxa
#69339 Looks good
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By AnDwHaT5
Jfreak9 wrote:So I read in the Post about Donation incentive, and while I do not have any coding experience I do have some graphic design experience. If doing name or rank badge for the forum is a chosen route, I would gladly be able to create some badges for this forum. I have created the rank badges for another server that I play on and here is a screen shot of them.

Let me know either way. Cheers.


I like the way you think.