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By ZeusAllMighty11
#69899 Hey! I'm a developer, and I've been wishing to add some features to my MCPC+ Pixelmon server. Unfortunately, I see that there isn't a proper API in place, so it's nearly impossible to do what I am doing.

I am trying to create a way to give player's pokemon via a command. I'm building against MCPC and Pixelmon, but I guess I have to build on forge too, which means I have to make this a mod which I do not want. i'm not exactly sure how to explain it.

I would just like to know how anyone else has achieved giving pokemon to players, if they have? Or if you're a developer, did you clone their repo and create an api yourself?

I'm considering cloning and writing an api, then submitting pull requests

Edit: I just found the /pokespawn command. I think I can work from there, but any input is still nice!

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By Kyiv
#69993 You could Try to Use NBTEdit. You can edit through the server if you are op.
AndWhat5 another Person in this community has gotten this to work on other people.
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By Trigore
Kyiv wrote:You could Try to Use NBTEdit. You can edit through the server if you are op.
AndWhat5 another Person in this community has gotten this to work on other people.

lol no he just edits database he didn't know nbt edit existed till 2 days ago.I should I know i showed him nbt edit but don't edit database just use this ... s-in-game/
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By AnDwHaT5
Kyiv wrote:You could Try to Use NBTEdit. You can edit through the server if you are op.
AndWhat5 another Person in this community has gotten this to work on other people.

I am a little different i am a database editor though i should be more active on it but always busy busy. Anyways yeah nbt edit is the way to go FTW.