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By ZeusAllMighty11
#71239 Hey trainers,

I was a bit upset by the already-in-place API Pixelmon has, because it doesn't support nearly anything which I needed. Instead of editing the mod and having it private on my server, I would rather add to the API and make it easier for server owners and developers to achieve what they are trying to do.

What the api currently has in place as of the authors of Pixelmon:
- Add Interaction (?)
- Add model library

What I added so far (25.8.13):
- Adding custom pokemon to pc with custom: type, level, shiny, the ball it's caught in, growth
- Adding custom pokemon to player's party with custom: type, level, shiny, the ball it's caught in, growth
- Grab a list of names of every pokemon in a player's party (soon stats?)
- Displaying a player's pokedex on your screen

What I plan to do:
- Show another player's party as yours temporarily so you can see what they have (admin tool)

Any suggestions are welcome!