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By ErusPrime
#71421 I'm putting together my 1.6 pack and I was curious as to whether or not NEI worked with Pixelmon now. I didn't see anything in the change log but both mods changed. Just wanna make sure before I start giving this pack to my server.

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By Trigore
#71422 1. It still does not work at least for me
2. You are not allowed to have mod packs with pixelmon that are not official(last time I checked).
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By AnDwHaT5
ErusPrime wrote:I'm putting together my 1.6 pack and I was curious as to whether or not NEI worked with Pixelmon now. I didn't see anything in the change log but both mods changed. Just wanna make sure before I start giving this pack to my server.

There will be a patch for nei soon i think and according to our TOS that you agreed to when you joined the site you can not make a modpack with pixelmon in it. Do not make it.
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By Animalol
#71514 This has been answered, so I am locking this.
But to clarify yet again, do not put Pixelmon in a Modpack. If you have any more questions about this, PM me.