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By Devias1987
#71547 ive had this idea for a while for a server it will have stuff like an aquarium which will be changed to an ocean biome an aviary which the entrance will have a command block which will spawn Bird type pokemon some smaller exhibits which will have different pokemon a large plains area which i will somehow make it only spawn stuff like Ponyta rapidash, tauros, dodrio and Doduo, ive started work on the outside fence and the Actual Shop Buildings and Gateways between the areas. i need suggestions for Mods,Plugins and how i should build the exhibits like should i do it all on a Superflat and then change the biomes with mcedit or make a normal world and create a entrance just near the spawn and have teleports to different biomes and have cages there

By Lettucecow
#71556 Good for you?
By Chison
#78677 If you are going to have them spawn naturally then it probably won't work out and you won't get the pixelmon you want.

If you are going to spawn every single pixelmon by hand or command blocks then I would use a superflat map , just make sure it looks nice :D
The biome also doesn't play an important role if you spawn them on your own. So I suggest using whatever biome makes your cages look the best e.g. forest biome for nicer grass instead of swampland or stuff like that. And you should disable spawning or you will get random pixelmon spawn too.
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By Animalol
#78839 This was a dead Thread, so I'm going to lock this.