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By AJuicyCherry
#72424 Hello I am posting this topic be because I'm having a error on my server with chest shop when I type in masterball or any other item from pixelmon it dosent work but mc items it does.

If you know why or have a easier plugin that you use please reply.

Thank you.

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By Trigore
#72426 when holding the item you want to buy/sell type the command /iteminfo and type the id into the line where master ball or what ever your selling/buying would usually be.
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By Trigore
AJuicyCherry wrote:Thanks it works but when I try and buy it says you don't have enough money got 53000 and it costs 2000 and when I sell it 2 get money it says you sold it for . Can you help?

chest shop problem not ours ask chest shop.