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By Kraft_kidd
#73967 Dear everyone on this forum BrokenXhalo has commited a hate crime against me and my good friend Derpy_pikachu...i am pansexual and have been for severeal months.....the co owner on the server told me that he did not think that gays should be allowed and that we are gross.....the server ip is everyone who can back me up Gentlefawn66 lando Derpy_pikachu these are all the people will tell you exactly what i have told you

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By AnDwHaT5
#73976 Hmm mrm this does rank up there. Almost as much as that guy trying to get ur copyrights. That one was priceless.
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By Kuwoobie
#73997 While I do not condone sexual discrimination, server admins are in no way obligated to show you special treatment. You cannot report them to anyone. They are their own boss. No one here is going to fire them or punish them for mean things they say to you on their Minecraft server. When addressing a server admin, stick with "No, sir" or "Yes, ,ma'am" and you won't have any trouble.
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By Animalol
#74068 Locking this, as this Thread is pointless.
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By Burgy
#74292 Never seen you around this place before.
Welcome to the Internet!
Wanna know how to stop cyber bullies.
Get off the Internet, simple. Outsmart the trolls. ;D