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By Terufe
#74528 Based on the reaction to my last post as well as my limited knowledge on minecraft coding, what I am about to say is probably wrong. But regardless it would still be cool.

I was thinking that instead of having full blown gyms that spawn in the world, there could just be Gym leaders that spawn in the world. For example, lets say you were walking through the extreme hills and you happened to stumble upon Brock, or if you were walking on the beach you might see Misty. They would spawn in just like trainers just a lot more rare.

If you beat the gym leader then it would drop the badge and a TM of the correct type.

The Gym leaders would obviously have to be very rare and fairly powerful, but it would still be a cool way to implement the gym badges.

SPG's disapproval goes here ------->

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By Blaster
#74558 First me, I still think that the Gyms themselves would be good as it might be possible to implement puzzles into the gym (Granted they won't be like the ones in the games and act like a Tardis
By Taro1
#74632 I don't think this is a good idea, it could ruin the multiplayer mode gym routine.
By Terufe
#74649 I know that on the curent version of pixelmon mew two does not spawn but you can get him to spawn if you change the data base of pixelmon. You could do the same thing with gym leaders. They could just adjust the frequency of the gym leaders spawning to 0. CraftBattleDuty has a very good video explaining how to do this on his youtube channel.