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By CrackerJack
#74835 So I have been playing around with pixelmon for a few days now, and I have a level 50 umbreon that knows dig, it also says that you can use dig to exit dungeons. so I decided to try it out (There's a dungeon about 20 blocks out in the desert from where I live at) and I entered the dungeon, but now my pickaxe has broken, im 70 blocks under, and I have no clue how to use the ability outside of battle. what do I do?!?

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By Animalol
CrackerJack wrote:so what your saying is.... I'm screwed?

Fixed your message. Please watch the language.
By DarkNintendoGuy
#78055 Well if his trying to play legit just fist your way out. Some tips everytime you go explore bring 64 logs and some iron or what you want to make tools out of if yours is broken. :D